Psychedelic Press Blog — psychedelics
Psychedelic Chaos by Rita Kočárová - Beyond Psychedelics
beyond doctors drugs medicine psychedelics shamans

The Psychedelic Press is excited to be joining the global psychedelic community in Prague for Beyond Psychedelics 2018. Researcher from the National Institute of Mental Health (and founding member of Beyond Psychedelics) Rita Kočárová introduces the ideas underpinning the event: an exploration of beauty and diversity in psychedelic community. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can feel it in the air: many people say that we are experiencing a Psychedelic Renaissance. But, I think that our current situation more closely resembles a psychedelic chaos: there are no universally-accepted standards, no rules, and thousands of different ways of approaching psychedelics. The Beyond Psychedelics team are...
Sumiruna Awakenings: Emergence of a New Consciousness 23-26 June 2016
conference eastern europe entheogens psychedelics Romania visionary art

23rd – 26th of June, Bucharest, Romania, Caro Hotel, 400 seats 7 presentations with special guests * 5 workshops * 3 interactive Q&A sessions * 7 visionary artists exhibiting * 1 movie screening with the director’s presence *4 days of networking Keynote presenters; Graham Hancock, Jeremy Narby, Jan Kounen, and Dennis McKenna Dedicated to the Visionary Wisdom and Art of Pablo Amaringo The Conference title, Sumiruna, is inspired by the great visionary artist Pablo Amaringo. He described a Sumiruna as a human who through their years of spiritual evolution and learning has moved to the highest levels of knowledge...
A Variety of Religious Paths in Psychedelic Literature
books entheogens psychedelia psychedelic literature psychedelics religion ritual
This article is by Robert Dickins, author of Erin, and editor of the Psychedelic Press UK Journal. INTRODUCTION: THE RELIGIOUS QUESTION In the mid-to-late 1950s, after the publication of Aldous Huxley’s The Doors of Perception (1954) and Heaven and Hell (1956), a debate ensued as to whether hallucinogens, soon to be coined ‘psychedelics’ by Dr. Humphrey Osmond in a letter to Huxley, could be used in order to facilitate a religious/mystical experience. Although Huxley did not go so far as to equate the visionary experience of mescaline with the mystical in those texts, as described in various works of scripture,...
Christianity's use of Psychedelic Substances in the Ayahuasca Traditions
ayahuasca psychedelic psychedelics religion santo daime science science revealed

This article was written by Danny Nemu, author of Science Revealed (2014) & Neuro-Apocalypse (2016) Ayahuasca religion is a strange concept to get your head around, even before you drink ayahausca. At my first session about ten years ago, I was very keen to try the brew, but the shirts and ties and general Christian vibe made me feel instantly uneasy. A question arose: What does Christianity have to do with psychedelics? Amongst anarchists, occultists and hedonists, there is much which is objectionable about Christianity. This article is about my induction into the Christian mythos; but fear not, you proud and proper...
The Trippin' Spriggan call to poets...
entheogens fantasy poetry poetry book psychedelic poetry psychedelics
Breaking Convention: 3rd Multidisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness is happening in July, 2015 at the University of Greenwich, London. The previous two conferences have been fantastic events with over 700 delegates, 100 speakers, and some incredible workshops, and this third one looks set to be even better. It is our pleasure to announce that the Psychedelic Press will be teaming up with Breaking Convention to bring a beautiful poetry book to the event - The Trippin' Spriggan - and we'd like to ask poets to contribute to this collection. If you were interested in submitting your poetry for potential inclusion...