Psychedelic Press Blog — ayahuasca
Racism and the Discrimination Against Traditional Ayahuasqueros by Anthropology Users in Academia by Danny Nemu
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Taboo from the Jungle to the Lab: Science and Ayahuasca
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Taboos can be both impediments to knowledge and storehouses of knowledge. This two-part talk by Reverend Nemu, author of Science Revealed and the forthcoming Neuro-apocalypse, explores the taboos in place in the scientific community studying ayahuasca, and compares their usefulness to those in indigenous ayahuasca traditions. PART 1: PART 2: Reverend Nemu’s fascination with all things apocalyptic began twenty years ago, whilst baiting Jehovah's Witnesses on his doorstep. He occasionally gives talks on ayahuasca and Santo Daime, on revelation in the history of science, and other wonderful things, which you can see here ( He is the...
Volume VI Editorial: A Curriculum of the Soul
ayahuasca DMT editorial journal mushroom new book psychedelic

I was lucky enough to find a copy of Albert Glover’s The Mushroom: a curriculum of the soul recently. Published in 1972, this small, scarce, orange-clad pamphlet is a poetic record of the author’s hunt and subsequent trip with the folklorist’s favourite fairy mushroom, the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). When first I found you it was underneath a white Pine tree. That wood I took for my staff, That image entered my dreams. Led by a boy I walked through the pine plantation Calling your name, Mukhomer! The poem describes Glover’s hunt for mukhomer (a folk name for the...
Christianity's use of Psychedelic Substances in the Ayahuasca Traditions
ayahuasca psychedelic psychedelics religion santo daime science science revealed

This article was written by Danny Nemu, author of Science Revealed (2014) & Neuro-Apocalypse (2016) Ayahuasca religion is a strange concept to get your head around, even before you drink ayahausca. At my first session about ten years ago, I was very keen to try the brew, but the shirts and ties and general Christian vibe made me feel instantly uneasy. A question arose: What does Christianity have to do with psychedelics? Amongst anarchists, occultists and hedonists, there is much which is objectionable about Christianity. This article is about my induction into the Christian mythos; but fear not, you proud and proper...