Psychedelic Press Blog — visionary art
Towards a Science of Psychedelic Aesthetics by Ido Hartogsohn
aesthetics Alex Grey history journal psychedelic visionary art

Sumiruna Awakenings: Emergence of a New Consciousness 23-26 June 2016
conference eastern europe entheogens psychedelics Romania visionary art

23rd – 26th of June, Bucharest, Romania, Caro Hotel, 400 seats 7 presentations with special guests * 5 workshops * 3 interactive Q&A sessions * 7 visionary artists exhibiting * 1 movie screening with the director’s presence *4 days of networking Keynote presenters; Graham Hancock, Jeremy Narby, Jan Kounen, and Dennis McKenna Dedicated to the Visionary Wisdom and Art of Pablo Amaringo The Conference title, Sumiruna, is inspired by the great visionary artist Pablo Amaringo. He described a Sumiruna as a human who through their years of spiritual evolution and learning has moved to the highest levels of knowledge...