Noumenautics by Peter Sjöstedt-H

Noumenautics by Peter Sjöstedt-H

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Paperback | ISBN 9780992808853 | 154pp | 2015

Dr Peter Sjöstedt-H’s Noumenautics traverses the mindscape of metaphysics, nihilism and psychedelic phenomenology. It navigates through subjects such as the sentience of cells, the constrictions of consciousness, the metaphysics of might, the magic of mushrooms, the narcotics of Nietzsche, and the neologism of neo-nihilism – the last of which may itself cause flashbacks.

Tracing the fall of western morality through Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, the book descends deeper still into a metaphysics further upheld by Henri Bergson and Alfred North Whitehead. This collection of essays and notes provides a most idea-provoking, educational, and original piece of literature for the thoughtful lay-reader and specialist alike.

Dr Peter Sjöstedt-H is an Anglo-Scandinavian philosopher of mind who specializes in the thought of Whitehead, Nietzsche, and Spinoza, and in fields pertaining to panpsychism and altered states of mind. Following his degree in Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick, he became a Philosophy lecturer in London for six years and after which he pursued his PhD (on ‘Pansentient Monism’, examined by Galen Strawson and Joel Krueger) at the University of Exeter – where he is now a research fellow and associate lecturer.

Peter is the TEDx Talker on 'psychedelics and consciousness', and he is inspiration to the inhuman philosopher Marvel Superhero, Karnak (from Chapter VII in Noumenautics)In the words of futurist, philosopher and pop star Alexander Bard: 'One of our favourite contemporary philosophers, Peter Sjöstedt-H...think a psychedelic Nietzsche'.

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