Science Revealed by Danny Nemu
Paperback | ISBN 9781916266704 | 194pp | 2020
(Revised 2nd edition)
Science Revealed considers the apocalypse in science as discovery. Biographies of scientists including Tesla and Einstein reveal how our most groundbreaking ideas result not from rational thinking and tapping on calculators, but from visions, dreams, feverish delirium and other non-rational revelations.
The controversies that blow up when such insights clash with received wisdom are often resolved in a manner most unscientific, and this is just one of the ways in which what is simplistically called 'rationalism' often obscures truth in a fundamentally complex world.
Danny Nemu’s fascination with all things apocalyptic began over twenty years ago, whilst baiting Jehovah's Witnesses on his doorstep. He occasionally gives talks on ayahuasca and Santo Daime, on revelation in the history of science, and other wonderful things, which you can see here. He is the most compelling and optimistic apocalyptic in the jungle, and he is available for weddings and funerals.